Church Builders Ministry

Alex and Eunice malanday

Alex & Eunice Malanday founded CBM in 1993 to reach lost souls and help needy children in the Philippines.  Their ministry focuses on planting churches and kinder schools around the Philippines.  Alex & Eunice were the first missionaries  to partner with Jacob's Gift.

Jacob's Gift has assisted with several projects including building Jacob Hall Kinderschools, Jacob Hall Training & Resource Center, and various other needs within CBM.

aetas bible study center

wilson & cora ladringan

Founded in 1988, Aetas Bible Study Center has educated hundreds of children in the Zambales province at their Christian school, To God Be The Glory Christian Academy, where they offer education through the high school years.

Jacob's Gift sent money that they needed to finish their dormitory project as well as funds for bedding, furniture, and plumbing materials.  Additionally, Jacob's father, Richard, and Jeff, a family friend, held workshops where they instructed eager adults in welding and carpentry.